Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Andrew Scheer’s Shameful Support for Truck Convoy Riddled with Racists

Climate change-denying conspiracy theorists in big trucks and yellow vests rallied in Ottawa earlier this week* to demand Canada build more pipelines and shut the doors on immigration.  They also called for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s arrest for treason.  You can’t make this stuff up. Parliament Hill has never seen a protest more disconnected from reality.

Now it may be that the pro-carbon pollution Yellow Vest convoy was conceived at a time when the Canadian version of the French anti-establishment ‘gilets jaunes’ movement hadn’t been completely hijacked by what some in the media refer to as ‘white nationalists’ (see: "Yellow Vests, United We Roll Aren't Just A Pipeline Movement: Experts,”, February 19, 2019), but whom I will call by their proper name: racists. Yellow Vest Canada’s flirtation with alt-right racists has turned into what appears to be a long-term marriage, birthing last week’s protest (see: "Important context about the Yellow Vests Canada (YVC) convoy, aka United We Roll’,” Anti-Hate Canada, February 15, 2019).

That racism has been rampant in the movement is no secret (see: “Yellow Vests Canada: The far right go high visibility,” Ricochet, December 17, 2018).  Convoy organizer Glen Carritt was so concerned about his effort being associated with racism that he rebranded the initiative to remove reference to Yellow Vests.  But a name change appears to be as far as things went. Yellow Vest protesters – some belonging to known anti-Muslim, anti-indigenous and anti-semitic organizations – were all welcomed along the convoy route.  Carritt ultimately showed his true colours by donning a yellow vest himself when the convoy reached the capital (see: “Andrew Scheer Criticized For Support of United We Roll Convoy,” Vice News, February 20, 2019).

Look, I’m a child of the 1980s.  I grew up at a time when we were taught to call out racism whenever we encountered it.  We were told – in retrospect, perhaps naively – that the scourge of the 20th Century – racism – had been met in battle and defeated.  We stood in solidarity with our Prime Minister Brian Mulroney when he demanded an end to South African apartheid (see: “How Brian Mulroney spearheaded Canadian push to end apartheid in South Africa and free Nelson Mandela,” the National Post, December 5, 2013.  We were taught to take the idea of ‘never again’ seriously, with the knowledge that racism leads to genocide (see: "What Does “Never Again” Really Mean?" the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, undated).

All of that seems to have gone out the window over the last several years.  Not only have racists emerged from the dark holes in which they previously resided, but they’ve been embraced by Conservatives and are now a part of the Right’s political calculus.  

How else to explain Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer’s shameful display of solidarity with convoy protesters?  “We’re fighting for you. We’re standing with you. We believe in you,” Scheer told the protesters (see: “'We believe in you,' Scheer tells controversial pro-pipeline movement,” CBC News, February 19, 2019) gathered to hear speakers that also included People’s Party leader Maxime Bernier and neo-nazi Faith Goldy (see: “Who is Faith Goldy?” Anti-Hate Canada, October 19, 2018).

Scheer tried to focus only on a slim part of the protester’s agenda – the need for more pipelines and the elimination of carbon taxes.  But by not calling out the significant and known racist elements involved in the planning and execution of the protest, Scheer’s speech was more than a nudge and wink to alt-right racists.  It was a recruitment effort - and reminiscent of U.S. President Donald Trump’s ‘blame on both sides’ response to Charlottesville (see: “Trump lashes out at 'alt-left' in Charlottesville, says 'fine people on both sides',” ABC News, August 15, 2017).

It’s unbelievable to think that Scheer has remained aloof to the fact that the anti-climate change movement has been infused by racists and anti-government conspiracy theorists.  It’s unbelievable because the evidence speaks for itself: Conservatives are actively engaging with Yellow Vests, white supremacists and other extremists as part of an effort to prevent real action on climate change.  It’s been almost two years, and we’re still waiting for Scheer to release his Party’s climate change plan.

Canada’s Conservatives are playing a dangerous game on many fronts.  Conservatives like former leadership contestant Michael Chong (see: “Michael Chong's pro-carbon-tax stance could make for a rocky Tory leadership bid,” the Globe and Mail, April 14, 2017) and others who are seriously concerned about the economic and environmental impacts of climate change ought to be doing some serious soul searching at this point – questioning if they can remain committed to a Party that is giving a nudge and a wink to racism while doing nothing to address the climate crisis. 

(opinions expressed in this blog are my own and should not be interpreted as being consistent with the views and/or policies of the Green Parties of Ontario and Canada)

*Originally published as "May: Scheer's support for truck convoy, riddled with racists, is shameful," in print and online in the Sudbury Star, February 23, 2019.

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