Shortly after former Acting CAO Bob Johnston abruptly left
his post in the fall of 2015, he went public with a number of complaints about
what’s been going on behind the scenes at Tom Davies Square. One of his complaints had to do with
governance, and the blurring of the roles between elected officials and
administrative staff (see: “Sudbury’s city hall ‘toxic’: Johnston,” the Sudbury
Star, November 19, 2015. Note: all subsequent quotes attributed to Bob Johnston
in this blog are taken from this source, unless otherwise attributed).
As many of my more regular readers know, I’ve been an
opponent of the Maley Drive Extension project for some time now. I have written extensively about why I feel
other municipal infrastructure projects should receive funding priority over
Maley, and I’ve critiqued the Maley project to a considerable degree, based on
information made available to the public.
This blog post isn’t about Maley Drive – although the proposed new road
is at the heart of an issue which is emerging in our community in a very public
That issue pertains to whether rules and processes are being
followed. In answering those questions,
other questions are raised. If the rules
aren’t being followed, why not? Both
supporters and detractors of the Maley Drive Extension project ought to expect
that rules for collecting public input are followed, as any subsequent decision
to build or not build the project is put at risk of having been made on an
illegitimate basis.
A specific circumstance has come to my attention related to
the calling of a public information meeting, to be held in Council Chambers on
Tuesday, March 1st, 2016, in accordance with an advertisement
appearing on the City’s website (see: “PublicInput Session on Maley Drive Extension,” City of Greater Sudbury
(undated)). For the last couple of
weeks, I’ve been trying to obtain answers as to how this meeting has come
about, given the absence of direction provided to the Clerk of the City of
Greater Sudbury from either Council or a Committee of Council , as required by
the City’s Procedure By-law 2011-235. I’ve
publicly expressed my concerns related to the need for Council processes to be
accepted as “legitimate” by members of the public in order for meaningful and
substantive public input to be offered (see: “Public Input Meeting on Maley Drive Shaping up to be a Sham," Sudbury Steve May, February 9, 2016).
Under most circumstances, the legitimacy of public input
sessions isn’t something which is questioned –and that’s because the City has
through an open and transparent process set out the rules for the collection of
public input through meetings and other processes. By providing a clear set of rules, the expectations
around participation in public input meetings are established for both members
of the public and members of Council and municipal staff. Following the rules establishes legitimacy in
the process – and gives all public participants a level of assurance that there
is equity in the process.
With regards to the March 1st public input
meeting on Maley Drive, it has come to my attention that the rules as outlined
in the City’s Procedure By-law have not been followed for the calling of the
meeting, and may not be followed at the meeting itself. Specifically, the Clerk of the municipality
whose job it is to call public meeting, appears to have done so on the
direction given to her by the Chair of the Operations Committee and the Mayor. This direction appears not to have been based
on any measurable expression of Council or one of its Committees, but rather on
what can only be described as pure fantasy.
Let me explain further – and please forgive my deep dive
into the arcana of the City’s Procedure By-law.
In my efforts to determine how the March 1st
public input meeting came to be called, and what rules are to be followed at
the meeting, I’ve engaged several Councillors and the Clerks’ office, looking
for information. Yesterday, via a post
made on the Valley East Facebook group, I was advised by Operations Committee
Chair and Ward 5 Councillor Robert Kirwan that the meeting was scheduled to
take place on the basis of direction provided to the Clerk through himself as
Chair of the Operations Committee, based on his understanding that at its
January 18, 2016 meeting, Operations Committee had reached a consensus to hold
the Maley input meeting.
This came as a surprise to me, as the Agenda for the January
18, 2016 Operations Committee meeting doesn’t even reference Maley Drive, much
less a public input meeting. Further,
the Minutes of the January 18th meeting also fail to mention Maley
Drive, or indicate in any way that the Chair should direct the Clerk’s office
to schedule a public input meeting.
I’ll let you read the text of Councillor Kirwan’s post in
its entirety, so that you can see if his interpretation of how he obtained
Operations Committee’s consensus to schedule a meeting makes any sense to you.
“I always enjoy a discussion about procedural rules, Steve
May. So let's see where we are with this one.
Under Section 32.01, "The Clerk, as directed by Council
or a Committee, may schedule a meeting for the purpose of receiving public
comments on any matter, in which case:
(1) the meeting may be conducted with four or more Members
present; however,
(2) if less than a quorum of Council is present, no
resolutions may be enacted at the meeting except for a motion appointing a
Chair and a motion to adjourn.
During the January 18, 2016 Operations Committee Meeting
discussion that emanated when I was questioned about Mr. Price not being on the
agenda, there was mention of a public meeting that would be held at some point
in the future when all members of the public would have an opportunity to make
presentations. This was confirmed by Mr. Cecutti and the Operations Committee
was in favour of such a meeting being scheduled where Mr. Price would
eventually have his opportunity to speak. I would say that there was consensus,
but I will definitely admit that there was no formal motion of direction. However,
strictly speaking, Section 32.01 does not specify that the
"direction" must be in the form of a resolution duly moved and
Prior to the Operations Committee meeting held on February
1, 2016, I met with the Mayor, the Clerk, and the CAO to discuss when a public
meeting could be scheduled. If you will recall, it was at the beginning of the
Operations Committee meeting of February 1, 2016 where I announced that the
public input and information session would be held on March 1, 2016 and that
further details would be forthcoming from the Clerk's office. This was the
first time that any details of the public input session was announced publicly.
Again, I will concur that there was no formal motion made
providing direction to the Clerk to hold the public input session, but there
was consensus from the members, and that would be enough for the Clerk to act
in scheduling the session under Section 32.01.
If we look at the wording of the By-Law, "direction of
a Committee" does not necessarily require a motion. The consensus of the
Operations Committee would, in my opinion, constitute "direction"
that would be in keeping with the spirit of the By-Law.
Under the terms of Section 32.02, it is indicated that the
Chair may only allow a maximum of 5 minutes per speaker. However, under Section
32.01, if there is a quorum of Council members present, and we expect all of
Council to be in attendance, a resolution can be made to allow 10 minutes or
any other length of time that is approved by the Councillors. If quorum is not
present, then despite the advance information in the news release, speakers
will only be allowed to speak for 5 minutes, as you point out. In this case, we
are hedging our bets that we will have quorum and therefore we can pass a
resolution to allow 10 minutes. I also expect that there may be a member of
Council who will ask for an amendment to allow a longer period of time for the
individual presentations. We don't know for certain but Councillors want to be
fair to speakers so I can assure you that I will be making a motion to allow 10
minutes per speaker.
I will agree that the By-Law is written in a manner which
allows for some flexibility in the interpretation of "direction".
However, the wording in Section 32.01 gives us some evidence that this
direction does not need to be by way of resolution.
For example, Section 32.01 states "The Clerk, as
directed by Council or a Committee, may schedule a meeting for the purpose of
receiving public comments on any matter,"
In this case, the fact that the Clerk "may"
schedule a meeting implies that there is some discretion on the part of the
Clerk. We know that if the Council or a Committee passes a
"resolution" directing the Clerk, there would be no room for "may".
She would be obligated to schedule a meeting in accordance with the resolution.
Therefore, I feel comfortable in stating that the very fact that none of the
Operations Committee members objected to a public input meeting being scheduled
on March 1, 2016, meant that the Clerk was free to schedule such a meeting. If
the Clerk decided that she did not want to schedule the meeting, then we would
have had to resort to passing a resolution requiring her to follow our
So, in conclusion, I still feel comfortable in asserting
that the Procedural By-Law was not violated in this matter. The only thing that
remains to be seen is if the time limit will remain at 5 minutes or be approved
for some other time period. I am pretty confident that we will have more than a
quorum in attendance at the public input session and we will approve at least
10 minutes.
Thank you for your question, Steve May. I love working with
by-laws and the language of the law and enjoyed this analysis. If you feel that
I have missed anything, please point it out and we will continue.
As for having staff make a presentation to set the stage and
provide the public with a status report prior to the public making their
presentations, that is something that I understand has been done many times in
the past and is definitely not intended to infringe upon the integrity of the
At the end of the day, we will now be able to listen to
everyone who wants to make a presentation on the Maley Drive Project.”
Sorry for doing this, but let’s just revisit a few lines of
this post one more time, as I’d like to draw your attention to some specific
information contained herein, which I’ll highlight. Councillor Kirwan wrote,
“This [holding a
special meeting for public input] was confirmed by Mr. Cecutti and
the Operations Committee was in favour of such a meeting being scheduled
where Mr. Price would eventually have his opportunity to speak. I
would say that there was consensus, but I will definitely admit that there was
no formal motion of direction. However, strictly speaking, Section
32.01 does not specify that the "direction" must be in the form of a
resolution duly moved and seconded.”
Later on, Kirwan returns to the topic of consensus, and
“Again, I will concur that there was no formal motion made providing
direction to the Clerk to hold the public input session, but
there was consensus from the members, and that would be enough for the
Clerk to act in scheduling the session under Section 32.01.”
Councillor Kirwan believes that the consensus of the
Committee provides enough direction to the Clerk so that she may schedule a
meeting. But how did he determine
consensus in absence of taking a vote? Councillor Kirwan writes,
“Therefore, I
feel comfortable in stating that the very fact that none of the Operations
Committee members objected to a public input meeting being scheduled on March
1, 2016, meant that the Clerk was free to schedule such a meeting.”
So, by virtue of not objecting to scheduling a public input
meeting, Councillor Kirwan indicates that he was able to determine that it was
the consensus of Operations Committee to schedule that meeting.
Of course, it’s difficult for Committee members to express
an objection to something which isn’t actually on their agenda, or which does
not appear as a motion. It’s not at all
clear that members of Operations Committee were given any opportunity to “object”
or even comment favorably on the idea of holding a public input meeting on
Maley Drive. Based on my review of the
January 18, 2016 Operations Committee meeting, it appears that Chair Kirwan was
the only member of Council to discuss a public input meeting at all – and then
so only in the context that it would be something which Committee should think
about doing. Was it the following
silence which led him to believe that other Committee members had agreed with
him and provided their endorsement for holding a meeting? One can only speculate here – because there
isn’t anything on the record to which anyone can turn to which suggests that
any member of Operations Committee other than Chair Kirwan had any opinion at
all on holding a public input meeting.
Again, though – why is any of this important? Let’s go back to the City’s Procedure By-law
and see what it says about establishing a transparent and predictable process
for meetings of Council. I’ll highlight
areas of certain sections of the by-law which I think are relevant to this
“1.01 Purpose
In order to better serve the citizens of Greater
Sudbury by ensuring the most effective, efficient and timely procedure for
governing the calling, place and proceedings of municipal meetings, the
City of Greater Sudbury hereby establishes its Procedure Bylaw in accordance
with the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended. The rules and
procedures contained herein shall apply to all meetings of Council and Committees,
unless otherwise prescribed."
The City has a Procedure by-law so as to serve the citizens
of the community in an effective, efficient and timely manner, in accordance
with provincial legislation.
“1.03 Basic Principles
The basic principles for the application of these rules are:
(1) take up business one issue at a time;
(2) promote courtesy, justice, impartiality and
equality; and
(3) while the majority rules, the rights of the individual,
minority and absent Members are protected."
All of these principles are important, but I wanted to
highlight the second one, because it’s the one that I’ve been on about for some
time now in my earlier blogposts.
Clearly, the Procedure By-law agrees with my assessment that meetings of
the public should follow certain rules so that issues of justice, impartiality
and equality (equity might be a better term) are addressed at all meetings of
Council, including public input meetings.
Now, let’s continue on, keeping Chair Kirwan’s explanation
regarding how he was able to determine that Operations Committee had provided a
consensus decision to direct the Clerk to schedule a public meeting on Maley
Drive. Helpfully, Chair Kirwan himself has already directed us to Section 32.01
of the by-law – the section which lays out how a public input meeting is
called. It reads,
The Clerk, as directed by Council or a Committee,
may schedule a meeting for the purpose of receiving public comments on any
matter, in which case:
(1) the meeting may be conducted with four or more Members
present; however,
(2) if less than a quorum of Council is present, no
resolutions may be enacted at the meeting except for a motion appointing a
Chair and a motion to adjourn."
The by-law contemplates direction for scheduling the meeting
to come from “Council” or a “Committee”.
What does this mean? Let’s return to the by-law:
“2.10 Council
“Council” means the Council of the City of Greater Sudbury.”
Ok, so that doesn’t apply here, because it was Operations
Committee which Chair Kirwan says provided the direction to the Clerk.
“2.06 Committee
“Committee” means a group composed only of Members of
Council, who are appointed by Council to perform a function, or functions, and
does not include a committee otherwise defined by statute. “
So, Operations Committee is a “group” of “Members of Council”."
“2.18 Member
“Member” means a Member of Council or a Committee and
includes the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Chair and Vice-Chair, as the case may be.”
This is different from the definition of a Chair – which you’ll
note is not referenced in the definition of composition of a Committee.
“2.02 Chair
“Chair” means the Mayor or presiding officer at a Council or
Committee meeting.”
All of this is to clearly establish that Operations Committee
can only be considered to be a group of Council Members, and not simply the
Chair. And only as a group can
Operations Committee direct that the Clerk schedule a public input meeting, as
per Section 32.01 of the by-law.
Of course, Chair Kirwan maintains that it wasn’t his
unilateral action which provided the Clerk with the direction to schedule the
meeting, but rather that direction was given to the Clerk by the Members of
Council on Operations Committee acting as a group through some sort of
consensus process which was based on the lack of an objection to holding a
public input meeting. Let’s examine this
further to determine if there any legitimacy to using this kind of process to
direct the Clerk to schedule a meeting.
Well, the by-law references the word “consensus” only once –
in Section 7.17, which indicates that by consensus and subject to the Municipal
Act, Council Members may alter the time, date and location of a meeting. Since this section of the by-law pertains to
meetings which have already been called, it is not relevant to the matter at
hand. There is no reference that Council
or a Committee may call a meeting through a consensus process.
So, perhaps there is some process outside of the Procedure
By-law which can be followed when the direction contained in the by-law is
vague or unclear. In fact, there is such
a reference:
“1.04 Robert’s Rules of Order
For purposes of interpreting this Bylaw or determining a
proper course of action for matters that may arise that are not specifically
contemplated by this Bylaw, the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order in
existence at the time shall be referred to."
Unfortunately, we’re no better off with Robert’s Rules, as
the concept of “consensus” doesn’t appear in Robert’s Rules of Order at all (see:
“Robert’s Rules Online: Index,", undated).
Ok, so the Procedure by-law is silent on the matter, and
Robert’s Rules are no help. Here’s a
shot in the dark: can the Chair of a Committee disregard the Procedure by-law
entirely, and make up his or her own process (although let me be very clear
here – that’s not what the Chair of Operations Committee contends having
happened). In fact, the Procedure By-law does speak to this matter here:
“3.02 Rules - Temporarily Suspended by Unanimous Consent
Any rules established by this Bylaw, other than a quorum
requirement, may be temporarily suspended at, or for, a particular meeting with
the unanimous consent of all Members present and voting, provided that this
does not result in a contravention of the Municipal Act, 2001 or any other
But the Members of Operations Committee didn’t consent to
suspending the rules of the January 18, 2016 meeting. Or perhaps they did by not indicating their
opposition to suspending the rules (cheap shot, sorry).
What then to make of the notion that the consensus of
Operations Committee was given to the Chair by virtue of Council Members having
remained silent during a discussion on a matter which didn’t appear on their
agenda? Both the Procedure By-law and
Robert’s Rules are silent on using this method to determine the will of a
Committee of Council. And yet, that
appears to be the method used by the Chair to provide direction to the Clerk.
The Procedure by-law does provide a method for determining
the will of Council or a Committee. It provides
that Council or a Committee may make recommendations for future action,
“2.24 Recommendation
“Recommendation” means a proposed course of action suggested
by a Committee or staff for an eventual final decision by Council.”
The minutes of the January 18, 2016 meeting of Operations
Committee indicate that no recommendation to hold a public input meeting was
brought forward to Operations Committee by any Committee of Council or member
of staff at the meeting, so that process wasn’t followed. Having said that,
Chair Kirwan alludes to General Manager of Infrastructure, Tony Cecutti, having
engaged in the discussion around holding a public input meeting. Could this constitute a “recommendation” to
the Committee?
Generally, staff recommendations are brought forward in
staff reports, and not verbally at Council or Committee meetings. But for the
sake of argument, let’s presume that Tony Cecutti’s contribution to the
discussion about Maley Drive was, in fact, a recommendation made to Operations
Committee to hold a public input meeting.
By the very definition of “recommendation”, Cecutti’s advice alone was
not enough to act on when it comes to scheduling a public input meeting,
because “recommendations” are for “eventual final decisions” of Council. And clearly Council never undertook the
action of making a further decision based on Operation’s Committee’s “direction”.
Council or Committees can also make decisions by way of
motions. Here’s the process for that:
“2.25 Resolution
“Resolution” means the result of a substantive motion of
Despite the unusual numbering below, there are only two
types of motions, both of which must come before the Members present at a
Council/Committee meeting for consideration.
"2.19 Motion
“Motion” means a question which a Member may bring forward
for the consideration of the Members present, and may be:
(4) procedural (“procedural motion”) when it concerns the
process, timing, manner or methodology of any matter; or
(5) substantive (“substantive motion”) for all other
Members are defined in the By-law to include Members of
Council. Therefore, it stands to reason
that in accordance with 2.19 of the by-law, motions are to be considered by all
Council members present, and not just the Chair. In the case of the January 18, 2016 meeting
of Operations Committee, no motions were presented to Committee on the subject
of scheduling a public input meeting on Maley Drive.
Why does any of this matter?
Well, earlier this year, I wrote a blogpost on why I believe the Maley
Drive Extension project requires a “social license” from the community before
proceeding (see: "No Social License for Maley Drive Phase 1 Project," Sudbury Steve May, January 27, 2016). I laid out the case that the
current version of the Maley project has never been one which has gone before
Council, and has never received the benefit of input from the public through a
municipal process. I indicated that as part
of obtaining a social license from the community, that one of the components
would be for Council to put public input onto their agenda prior to making a
further decision on Maley. I have always
acknowledged that this is just my opinion – there is no requirement for a “social
license” that I am aware of for infrastructure funding. There doesn’t even appear to be the need for
Council approval at this time for the shortened “Phase 1” Maley project. But I continue to believe that it’s in the
best interests of the community for our Council to obtain that social license
through public discussion – and to proceed to some sort of decision point on
Phase 1 in absence of Phase 2 ever moving forward.
As part of the process for obtaining a social license, I’ve
suggested that a public input session be held on Maley. With this public input session being called
for March 1st, 2016, I’ve received a certain amount of feedback
through social media regarding why I am questioning the legitimacy of the
meeting – and not just simply accepting the fact that I and others like me are
going to be given a chance to speak our piece on the matter. As I indicated in another blogpost (see: "L'Affaire Tom Price: Who is Setting the Agenda in Greater Sudbury?" Sudbury Steve May, January 20, 2016 ), I believe that it’s important that rules
be followed in order for the public to have the assurance that their voices
will be heard. In the case of the March
1st public input meeting, I had previously suggested that since the
rules for calling and holding this meeting appear to have been circumvented,
that the meeting itself was shaping up to be a sham.
Today, after further information received on how this
meeting was called, and how it is intended to be held, I am going further. The process for calling the meeting and for
holding the meeting isn’t a sham; it’s an outright fraud being perpetuated on
the public and members of Greater Sudbury municipal Council who have been
implicated by the Chair of Operations Committee as having provided their
consent to direct the Clerk to call the meeting in the first place when no
direction was ever given by them.
What appears to have happened is that the Chair of
Operations Committee, in conjunction with the Mayor (according to the Chair’s
own words) have unilaterally made a decision to direct the Clerk to schedule a
meeting, and to arbitrarily change the rules of procedure for the meeting
without either the scheduling or rule changes having gone before Operations
Committee or Council. That would be
egregious in and of itself, but both the Chair of Operations Committee and the
Mayor have gone on the public record to indicate that they’ve already made
their minds up on the Maley Drive project, and while they may appreciate
hearing public input on the matter, their minds aren’t going to change.
Further, the Chair of Operations Committee has appealed to
his followers on a Facebook Group which he moderates to come out and make
presentations in favour of the Maley Drive project – essentially to provide him
with the input that he wants to hear.
From a post by Councillor Robert Kirwan, February 9, 2016 on the Valley East Facebook Group:
"I have made it clear right from the beginning that I
am in support of Maley Drive as a package that includes the Barrydowne
Extension and the extension of Main Street in Val Caron to the Barrydowne
Extension. As far as I am concerned, the Maley Drive project will only take
some of the trucks off of MR 80 and MR 15. We need the entire package in order
to give the trucks and alternate route.
Residents of Valley East should express how they feel about
the Maley Drive project as a way of saving our roads and the infrastructure of
the homes along the truck route. This is your chance.
As for Councillors seriously considering the presentations,
I can assure you that this is one Councillor who is very committed to
evidence-based decisions that take politics right out the mix. But I do know
that the residents of Val Caron and Blezard Valley want to get the trucks off
the highway going through the Valley. And the only way to do that is by
building Maley Drive to start with.”
Keep in mind that it was the Chair of Operations Committee
who originally dis-invited public deponent Tom Price from giving a presentation
on Maley Drive to Operations Committee on January 18, 2016 (see: "No-show irks Sudbury Councillors," the Sudbury Star, January 19, 2016). The Clerk had originally invited Mr. Price to
speak, but at the January 18th public meeting, when questioned by
Councillor Dutrisac why Mr. Price was not on the agenda despite the Clerk’s
invitation, Chair Kirwan refused to provide Committee members with an
explanation. Councillor Kirwan later
took to Facebook to shed some light on his rationale for having Mr. Price
silenced in front of the Operations Committee – but to my knowledge, he has
never had the courtesy to provide this same information in a public forum to
his Operations Committee colleagues.

Shortly after leaving the City, former Acting CAO Bob
Johnston wrote,
“After a number of weeks observing the interaction between
council and staff it was clearly evident that day-to-day operations were
subject to political interference and pressures. In particular, my office was significantly
impacted by the mayor’s office and in particular the chief of staff, who
micro-managed my work activities.”
Can the current Acting CAO be experiencing similar pressures?
Given these circumstances of how this meeting came to be
called by the Chair of Operations Committee, and (allegedly) the Mayor, Clerk
and CAO , can the March 1st “Public Input Meeting” be anything other
than a fraud? We have rules for a
reason. In this case, the rules are codified in the City’s Procedural
By-law. These rules are not being
followed. Instead, it seems that some
members of Council believe that they can make up the rules as they go along –
and then imply that their colleagues have consented to these rules through
their silence or through the presumed manner in how they will vote on an issue
in the future.
I understand that one has to have a broad skill set to be an
effective municipal councillor. However,
I didn’t think that clairvoyance and the ability to predict the future were
included in that skill set.
In response to statements made by former Acting CAO Bob
Johnston shortly after his departure from City Hall, Mayor Brian Bigger
responded in part with the following statement:
“Every decision made by myself and council has been made in
the best interest of our city and our citizens. Council has shown respect for
staff and their enquiries for information should not be seen as interference.
It is why we were elected. We expect a high standard of performance, which may
be higher than evidenced in the past, but always in the best interest of the
community. The mayor and council will continue to represent the public in a
responsible and accountable manner. It is what the citizens of Greater Sudbury
As the Mayor has been implicated by the Chair of Operations
Committee in the process of establishing this public input meeting through a
process outside of the Procedural By-law, as head of Council, I believe that he
owes his fellow Council members an explanation as to how this meeting came
about, and why it is being held now, in absent of any further decision point
appearing on Council’s agenda. Mayor
Bigger owes it to the public to reassure us that despite the flagrant flaunting
of the City’s procedural rules by those who have stated their public support of
the Maley project, that our public input on the matter will be heard and
considered in a meaningful way. The
Mayor must hold himself to the “high standard of performance” he has previously
None of this can happen in the context of the March 1st
public meeting. I believe that it’s
incumbent on the Mayor and administration to scrap this fraud of a meeting, and
go to Council to seek direction on when it would be appropriate to hear from
the public about Maley Drive through a process anticipated by the Procedural
By-law and endorsed by Council.
Former Acting CAO Bob Johnston cited a lack of good
governance as one of his primary concerns about what’s going on at City Hall
behind closed doors. Here’s how Mr.
Johnston defined “good” and “poor” governance in the context of his experience
at Tom Davies Square as Acting CAO:
“Good governance to me is a council that sets strategic
goals, priorities and policies, and passes resolutions. It’s the staff that
enacts those directions and provides services in the most cost-effective manner
possible. The working environment was not conducive to that. Poor governance
was contributing to this poor morale. I worked extremely closely with the mayor
and chief of staff, and I have to be truthful – there was a very high level of
micro-managing and interference in the work I was doing. And it was very
negative towards the senior management team and the people working closest with
the mayor and council.”
You can make up your own mind as to whether the debacle
surrounding the calling of the Maley Drive public input meeting represents “good
governance” in action or not. After
having taken a close look at the public’s ability to provide input on the Maley
Drive Extension project, I believe that Mr. Johnston’s concerns are ones that
we here in Greater Sudbury should take to heart.
I personally can’t participate in a fraud public input
session. I sincerely hope that the Mayor
and members of Council seek out the public’s input in a legitimate, transparent
and open manner which includes one or more appropriately constituted public
input meetings. Until that happens, I am
refusing to take part in what appears to me to be a fraudulent public process. And I encourage other citizens – and members
of Council - to follow my lead.
UPDATE (February 18, 2016): The Clerk's office has confirmed with me that this meeting was in fact called by the Mayor, in consultation with the Chair of Operations Committee, as a special meeting of Council in the format of a public input meeting. That's quite different than I was advised by the Chair of Operations Committee. Further, special meetings are generally reserved for emergency situations (notice provisions for these meetings are far less robust), but I do acknowledge that the by-law provides no direction on when the Mayor can use this exclusive power. So I no longer have questions related to process, per se. Now I am left wondering why the Mayor believes that it was in the public interest to by-pass his Council through the use of these special powers to call a meeting. Gathering public input on a matter that might never come before Council for a decision seems a strange case for the use of this special meeting section of the by-law.
Questions raised by the Operations Committee Chair with regards to how much time will be given to presenters remain outstanding at this time - so for all of those prepping to present, keep in mind you might only get 5 minutes, despite what the City has indicated in the meeting advert posted online. Or you might have more time - I guess it all depends on the whim of Council.
UPDATE (February 18, 2016): The Clerk's office has confirmed with me that this meeting was in fact called by the Mayor, in consultation with the Chair of Operations Committee, as a special meeting of Council in the format of a public input meeting. That's quite different than I was advised by the Chair of Operations Committee. Further, special meetings are generally reserved for emergency situations (notice provisions for these meetings are far less robust), but I do acknowledge that the by-law provides no direction on when the Mayor can use this exclusive power. So I no longer have questions related to process, per se. Now I am left wondering why the Mayor believes that it was in the public interest to by-pass his Council through the use of these special powers to call a meeting. Gathering public input on a matter that might never come before Council for a decision seems a strange case for the use of this special meeting section of the by-law.
Questions raised by the Operations Committee Chair with regards to how much time will be given to presenters remain outstanding at this time - so for all of those prepping to present, keep in mind you might only get 5 minutes, despite what the City has indicated in the meeting advert posted online. Or you might have more time - I guess it all depends on the whim of Council.
(Opinions expressed in this blog are my own and should not be considered consistent with the policies and/or positions of the Green Parties of Ontario and Canada)
1 comment:
Excellent work cutting thru the crap Steve...
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