Commuter Challenge kicked off this Sunday, June 5th. People are encouraged to
walk, cycle, carpool or take the bus to work. Participants can track carbon
emissions saved and calories burned. Local workplaces compete for
bragging rights. In Greater Sudbury, events are planned throughout the week,
including a Kid’s Bike Exchange on Saturday, June 11th at the Farmer’s
Market. It’s the one week of the year where the community comes together
to celebrate active and healthy transportation.
the other 51 weeks, we’ll continue to celebrate the car. Not necessarily
because we want to – but because we’ve designed our cities in a way that makes
it convenient for drivers, and inconvenient for all other transportation users.
know the benefits of active transportation – walking and cycling are good for
our health, which is important in Sudbury where 32% of the adult population are
considered obese (see: “Obesity (adjustedBody Mass Index)” Sudbury & District Health Unit). And when we’re not driving our motor vehicles, we’re
not burning gasoline, so we save money and carbon emissions. We all know
that we would benefit from making active transportation choices, but it’s just
so easy to reach for those car keys.

we’ve widened our streets in the name of safety, and built more of them to
battle congestion. We know now that wider streets lead to faster-moving
vehicles, creating less safe environments for all road users. And we know
that due to induced demand, the more streets we build, the more congestion we
this in mind, one might expect that we would prioritize healthy, active
transportation choices over widening and building more roads. But the lure of
free-flowing traffic is still the Holy Grail of traffic engineers, and
over-designing our streets remains the order of the day.
course, retrofitting our cities for healthier transportation choices isn’t
something that is going to happen overnight. The poor choices we’ve made
in the past will ensure that there will be added costs to build a minimum grid
for cyclists and create complete streets for all users. Going forward, we can
save money by including active transportation infrastructure on all of our new
roads, and add it to the mix when we refurbish our existing roads.
year, the City of Greater Sudbury will be rehabilitating Lorne Street. Plans shared with the community earlier this
year revealed that the new Lorne Street will look much like it does today, only
with fewer potholes (see: "Rehabilitation work proposed on Lorne Street," CBC, April 6, 2016). Lane widths will be
expanded for cars, but there will be no new infrastructure set aside for the
exclusive use of cyclists. Area
residents have petitioned the City to include separated cycling infrastructure,
but the City appears poised to miss yet another opportunity to transform a
major arterial into a truly complete street, with safe dedicated space for all road
are increasingly discovering that there are already many ways of safely getting
around the city without a motorized vehicle. Yet, challenges for commuters
remain. We know the benefits of getting
people out of their cars – a healthier population, lower emissions, and less
congestion on our roads. It's time we
take what we've learned and build the City that a prosperous future requires.
(opinions expressed in this blogpost are my own and should not be considered consistent with the policies and/or positions of the Green Parties of Canada and Ontario)
Originally published in the Sudbury Star as, "Active transport still a challenge in Sudbury," in print, and online as, "Column: Active transport a challenge in Sudbury," June 4, 2016. Some minor updating has occurred to reflect the timing of publication in this blogsite.
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