To: Mayor Brian Bigger and Members of Council,

I have reviewed publicly-available information pertaining to
this project, and I have noted how this project has changed in scope and scale
over time. Based on the information recently provided to Council at its meeting
of November 3, 2015, it appears that the changes made to the Maley Drive Widening
and Extension project (“the project”) have never been approved by Council
through by-law or Resolution. As a
result, the current version of the Maley project which is now proceeding should
be discussed at the Council table and Council should make a decision whether to
proceed with the revised project or not.
History of the
Project – Scope & Scale
According to the 1995 Environmental Assessment, the Maley
Drive project was originally proposed as: a two-lane upgrade to the existing portion of
Maley Drive between Barrydowne and Old Falconbridge Road, and a 4-lane upgraded
road from Old Falconbridge to Road to Flaconbridge Road; the creation of a new
two-lane road between Barrydowne and Lasalle Blvd; and an upgraded to Lasalle
Blvd. rom approximately College Boreal to Frood Road (see page87, “Maley Drive
Extension/Lasalle Blvd. Widening Municipal Class EA Addendum,” Earth Tech
Canada, May 15, 2008).
Further to the City’s review of its transportation system
through the 2005 Transportation Study Report, in 2008, the scope and scale of
the project was expanded to include that section of Lasalle Blvd. between Frood
Road and MR 35 (Elm Street), with that section between Falconbridge Road and
Lasalle Blvd. at College Boreal going to 4 lanes in its entirety.
A brief history of the Maley Drive project before Council is
summarized here:
- May 2006: Council adopts resolution #2006-644 identifying Maley Drive as a priority for federal and/or provincial infrastructure funding.
- April 2009: Council adopts a resolution that, “Council supports and will fund the Maley Drive Extension project, and direst staff to submit the Maley Drive Extension Project Proposal to the Building Canada Fund”.
- May 2009: application to the Building Canada Fund submitted.
- January 2011: via Council Resolution #2011-23, Council resolves, “that Council confirms that the Maley Drive Extension Project be identified as the No. 1 priority for Provincial and/or Federal infrastructure funding as part of the Build Canada program.
- August 2012: 3-part phasing of Maley Drive project proposed.
- August 2012: Through resolution CC2012-289, Council resolves that, “Mayor and staff continue to pursue senior levels of government for funding to support the entire project and staff prepare additional applications for phased funding.”
The Project Before
Since August, 2012, the Maley Drive project appears not to
have returned to Council, despite significant changes proposed to scope, scale
and costs. Specifically, the project in
2012, according to the Report prepared jointly by the City of Greater Sudbury
and AECOM, identified a 3-part phased approach to project completion, totalling
$93 million in construction costs along with an additional $36 million in
Associated Costs, for total project costs of $129 million. Timelines for the completion of each phase
were provided to Council in the August 8, 2012 Report prepared by David Shelsted,
Director of Roads and Transportation Services. Timelines for completion of all
3 phases were estimated to be between spring 2013 and fall 2016.
The scope and scale of the Maley Drive project, the phasing
of the project, and the project’s anticipated costs have all changed since the
August 2012 phasing presentation and its endorsement by Council. According to the series of documents
submitted to Council on November 3, 2015, phasing for Maley Drive is now being
considered in two parts, rather than three; and costs appear to have risen to
over $150 million (up from $129 million in 2012).
With regards to phasing, Phase 1 of Maley Drive is now
identified as being that section of Maley between approximately College Boreal
on Lasalle Blvd. to Barrydowne Road, with the existing section of Maley to be “rehabilitated”
between Barrydowne Road and Falconbridge.
It is unclear exactly what “rehabilitation” is to occur, but this “rehabilitation”
will not include upgrading this stretch of Maley to 4 lanes as contemplated in
the 2008 Environmental Assessment Addendum to the 1995 Assessment.
Significant Changes
to the Project - Costs
Phase 1 of the Maley project is estimated to cost $80.1
million, and is intended to be funded by the federal, provincial and municipal
governments at one-third of the costs each, or $26.7 million each. At this time, only the provincial government
has committed the entirety of its 1/3 funding share, contingent upon the
municipality and the federal government providing their one third shares. It is widely rumoured that the federal
government may be about to make a decision regarding its one-third funding of
That leaves the City of Greater Sudbury to find its
one-third share of funding. According to
documentation available on the City’s website, the City currently has $12.2
million set aside for our one-third funding, and that options for financing
will be presented to Council with regards to the remainder of the City’s
one-third share ($14.5 million).
Phase 2 of the Maley project will consist of: widening
Lasalle Blvd. between College Boreal and MR 35 (Elm Street); upgrading the
recently rehabilitated section of Maley between Barrydowne and Falconbridge to
4 lanes, along with reconstructing a railway crossing in this area; and,
installing roundabouts on Maley at Lansing, and on the newly built section of
Maley Drive at Montrose. Currently,
costs estimated for Phase 2 total $70 million.
At present, there are no funding commitments from any level of government
for Phase 2.
Revised Maley Drive
Project Needs Council’s Direction
Given that the scope, scale, phasing and costs of the Maley
Drive Extension and Road Widening project have changed significantly since
August 2012 – the last time our Municipal Council affirmed its support for this
project – it appears to me that the current version of the Maley project has
not been one which has received Council’s explicit endorsement.
These changes to scale, scope, and phasing have led to a
much different Maley project than what was originally contemplated by Council
in 2009 at the time of initial requests for funding under Building Canada, and
in 2011 when Council first identified Maley as it’s “No. 1 priority”
project. The phasing of the completion
of the Maley project does not correspond to what was presented to Council in
August, 2012. And the costs of the
current 2-Phase project have increased by approximately $30 million since 2012.
Not only has Council not authorized the phasing approach to
the Maley project, it has not yet identified a means of funding for the
entirety for our 1/3 share of funding for Phase 1 of the project, or how Phase
2 will be funded, if at all.
It is also entirely clear to me that the public at large
have not been informed of what, exactly, the City will be getting for $80.1
million dollars – especially given the fact that at the time of the August 2012
resolution of Council, the Maley project in its entirety (from MR 35 to
Falconbridge Road) was on the table and endorsed for completion by Council
(albeit in 3 phases).
Does Maley Drive Project
Still Make Sense?
Given this information, I believe it is incumbent upon our
Municipal Council to revisit its support for a significantly revised Maley
Drive project – one now consisting of two phases (only one of which has funding
committed). Council should review new
assumptions with regards to whether this phased approach to funding makes
sense, especially given the fact that some of the work scheduled to occur in
Phase 2 will be on that part of the roadway intended to be built at the time of
Phase 1.
Council should ask whether or not it would make more sense
to build the road right the first time, rather than returning to re-do the road
at some point in the future. Council
should also determine whether Phase 1 continues to make sense given that
4-laning of the existing Maley Drive between Barrydowne and Falconbridge, along
with grade-separation to the existing railway crossing, will only occur at some
point in the future, presuming that funding should be available for the
estimated $70 million in costs.
Council may also wish to consider the need for this project
in its entirety, given much of the criticism which has been made in the public
realm with regards to the project, along with the lack of benefits to the City
of Greater Sudbury identified in the recently completed “Cost-Benefit Report”
by AECOM (while monetized benefits for Maley Drive were identified by AECOM,
they almost entirely will accrue only to owners of motorized vehicles, with the
lion’s share going to the trucking industry – no monetized benefits to the
municipality were identified in this report).
Council may also wish to consider whether proceeding with a
road project of this scale based on an Environmental Assessment report prepared
in 1995 and updated in 2008 continues to make sense, as it is probable that
many of the assumptions related to growth and development at these times will
have changed over the past 20 years.
Moving Forward
What is clear is that our municipal Council has never
authorized the Maley Drive Extension and Widening project as it is presently
contemplated. As elected officials I
believe that it is incumbent upon Council to provide – or not provide – a social
license for this project through a further resolution of Council. Indeed, this matter should have returned to
Council some time ago, prior to changes being made to the project’s
phasing. Why Council was not requested
to endorse this revised project is unclear, especially given the resolutions of
Council from 2009, 2011 and 2012.
I sincerely hope that Council brings this revised project
forward for discussion and decision in the very near future – and that the City
keeps the public informed with regards to what, exactly, the Building Canada
funding application for a portion of the Maley Drive project is expected to
Steve May, Val Caron
“Maley Drive Extension/Lasalle Boulevard Widening MunicipalClass EA Addendum,” Earth Tech, May 15, 2008.
“Taking a Closer Look at Maley Drive, Part 1: Costs,” Steve
May, April 21, 2015.
“My Comments on Greater Sudbury’s Draft TransportationMaster Plan,” Steve May, June 26, 2015.
“Taking a Closer Look at Maley Drive, Part 2: ProjectSuburbia,” Steve May, July 22, 2015.
“Request for Recommendation: Maley Drive Extension andWidening Project – Background,” City of Greater Sudbury, November 3, 2015.
“Some Initial Observations on the New Cost / BenefitAnalysis for the Maley Drive Extension,” Steve May, November 3, 2015.
“The Incredible Shrinking Road: Staff Pulls a Fast One onCouncil with Shorter Maley Drive,” Steve May, November 5, 2015.
“Maley Drive: How Not To Do A Cost-Benefit Analysis,” Dr.
David Robinson, Economics for Northern Ontario, November 6, 2015.
“Taking a Closer Look at Maley Drive, Part 3: Expectationsfor Growth,” Steve May, November 12, 2015.
“Taking a Closer Look at Maley Drive, Part 4: Time to Endthe Subsidies,” Steve May, November 13, 2015.
(opinions expressed in this blog are my own and should not be considered consistent with the policies or positions of the Green Parties of Ontario and/or Canada)
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